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Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from body tissues. Some health conditions can cause lymph fluid to build up. Lymphatic drainage massages can benefit people with lymphedema, fibromyalgia, or other conditions. Lymph drainage massage has become a popular form of massage due to its potential health benefits. This specialized approach focuses on the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system. This type of massage aims to help the body maintain proper blood circulation, body fluid balance, and immune functions.

Understanding the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system contains vessels and nodes with lymph, a mixture of proteins, water, waste products, and immune system elements. Located throughout the body, lymph nodes filter all this debris.

The largest nodes are in the neck, groin, and armpits. They all work together to make sure "clean" lymph is transported back to the veins that carry blood toward the heart.


Lymphatic drainage massage has been used for people with lymphedema, which involves swelling, generally in one of your legs or arms.

The swelling is caused by lymph fluid that's collected in the soft tissues, due to genetic disorders, injury, infection, cancer treatment, or surgery. Symptoms of lymphedema include:

  • Pain
  • Skin discoloration
  • Tissue swelling
  • Heaviness in the limbs
  • Weakness
  • Hardening or thickening of the skin
  • Recurring infections

What is lymphatic drainage?

Lymphatic massage, sometimes called manual lymphatic drainage, is a specialized type of medical massage. It can help treat lymphedema, in which lymphatic fluid collects in certain areas of the body because it cannot drain away effectively. Lymphatic massage aims to improve the flow of lymph fluid, which should reduce swelling. Massaging an area without swelling will make space for fluid to flow to those parts from more congested areas. There are two types of lymphatic drainage: manual and simple. Manual lymphatic drainage is done by a qualified therapist, whereas simple lymphatic drainage is a technique a person can use at home. Anyone planning on learning simple lymphatic drainage should learn how to do it from a specialist. It is essential to know which area to massage and how much pressure to use.

What are the benefits?

The lymphatic system plays a key role in the body’s immune defenses.

Lymphatic fluid flows through lymph vessels, which connect lymph nodes. As it passes through the lymph nodes, white blood cells trap and destroy harmful particles, such as bacteria.

Like blood in the circulatory system, lymphatic fluid is always moving. If it stops, swelling can occur, as lymph fluid builds up, often in the arms or legs. Health experts call this lymphedema.

Lymphatic massage usually forms part of a treatment program health experts call decongestive lymphatic therapy (DLT).

DLT for lymphedema includes:

  • lymphatic drainage massage
  • compression garments
  • exercise
  • skin care

Together, these can improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system and help manage symptoms of lymphedema, including:

  • swelling in the extremities — such as the arms, legs, hands, or feet — which can affect mobility
  • swelling in other parts of the body, including the chest, breast, shoulder, face, and groin
  • pain and changes in sensation
  • a feeling of heaviness
  • difficulty fitting into clothing

Treating Other Health Conditions

Aside from lymphedema, lymphatic drainage massage can help treat several health problems. Some conditions can benefit more from the massage than others.

Studies have found that lymphatic drainage massage may be beneficial for the following:

‌Rheumatoid arthritis. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you may experience poor lymph flow as the disease progresses. Along with tissue swelling, pain in the joints increases, joints lose their function, and the skin changes color. Lymph drainage massage can help ease these later-stage rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

‌Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Chronic venous insufficiency is when the valves or walls of the veins that are in the legs don't work correctly. This makes it hard for the blood to flow back to the heart from the legs.Lymphatic drainage massage can help increase the speed of blood flow in people with CVI.

The massage can make the femoral artery — the large artery in the thigh — perform better immediately after the session. It's unclear how long this impact lasts or whether the massage provides long-term relief from pain and swelling. Further research in this area would help bring more light to the effectiveness of this massage technique on CVI.

‌Fibromyalgia. Lymph drainage massage may help people with fibromyalgia. This condition causes inflammation of the skin nerves, discoloration of the skin, and tissue swelling. The massage has been shown to be better than connective tissue massage in treating depression, stiffness, and improving quality of life for those living with fibromyalgia.

Types of Lymphatic Drainage Massage

There are four types of lymphatic drainage massage commonly used by massage therapists, physical therapists, and doctors. These include.

  • Vodder. This foundational technique uses various sweeping motions around the area the therapist is treating.
  • Foldi. An extension of the Vodder technique, Foldi requires the massage therapist to alternate between circular hand motions and moments of relaxation.
  • Casley-Smith. This approach to lymphatic massage also involves circular hand motions, mainly using the sides and palms of the hands.
  • Leduc. This technique relies on hand motions to collect lymph fluid before redirecting it for reabsorption into the larger lymphatic system.

Who can benefit?

Lymphedema can benefit people who have a buildup of lymphatic fluid due to:

  • cancer and cancer treatments that involve the removal of lymph nodes
  • filariasis, which is infestation of the lymph nodes by a parasite carried by mosquitoes
  • some types of vascular surgery, such as vein stripping
  • burn scar excision
  • lipectomy, a type of surgery to remove fat from the body
  • infection or trauma in the lymphatic system
  • a buildup of fluid due to deep vein thrombosis
  • health conditions that affect blood flow to the extremities, such as the hands and feet

Lymphatic buildup affects around 20 % of females who have had treatment for breast cancer.

The authors of a 2015 review conclude that lymphatic massage might be more effective than connective tissue massage in relieving symptoms of stiffness and depression in people living with fibromyalgia.

A doctor may recommend lymphatic massage as part of a person’s treatment plan. If anyone believes they have lymphedema, they should ask a doctor about this option. They should not use lymphatic massage without consulting a doctor first. It is of note that this type of massage may not be suitable or safe for some people, for example, if they have cellulitis or a heart condition.

What Happens During a Lymph Drainage Massage?

Talk to your doctor before getting a lymphatic drainage massage, and make sure you're receiving treatment from a trained professional. The massage therapist will follow a particular sequence, using a series of massage techniques, including stretching, compressing, gliding, and cupping motions.‌

Light rhythmic movements stimulate the lymphatic system without pressing hard on the vessel. They make the lymph fluid move easily through the nodes and tissues, making sure the fluid doesn't get trapped anywhere.

How to perform a lymphatic massage

Trained professionals provide lymphatic massage, but they can teach an individual basic drainage techniques to use at home. A doctor or other professional can advise on safe ways to drain lymphatic fluid.

People can perform most of these exercises either standing, sitting, or lying down, as long as they are comfortable.

Keep the following tips in mind during a lymphatic massage:

  • These massage movements should affect only the skin, so use gentle pressure and do not press hard enough to feel the muscles.
  • Keep the hands relaxed.
  • Do not massage swollen or infected areas.
  • Do not massage areas of the body that have undergone treatment for cancer.
  • Drink extra fluids, ideally 2–4 glasses of water, after each massage to help flush the body.
  • During the massage, there should be no pain or skin reddening.
  • Do not use lotions or other products, only the hands.

How to know whether it is working?

Those who use lymphatic drainage massages may notice that their swelling reduces. At the very least, swelling should not worsen.

People who have lymphedema should continue using compression socks or sleeves to prevent swelling.

Individuals with fibromyalgia might experience less stiffness and pain and also notice improvements in their overall health status.

People can also boost their lymphatic system function and help remove more waste from the body using the following methods:

  • drinking plenty of water
  • engaging in physical activity
  • eating vegetables and fruits
  • limiting their intake of processed foods

Frequently asked questions

Here are some questions people often ask about lymphatic drainage.

What does a lymphatic drainage massage do?

It aims to reduce swelling by relieving the buildup of lymph fluid in people with lymphedema or other conditions.

Is lymphatic drainage massage legit?

Many doctors recommend manual lymphatic drainage for managing lymphedema. However, a person should start by working with a trained professional, who will teach them how to do a simplified version at home.

How often should you get a lymphatic drainage massage?

For the best effects, a professional may recommend lymphatic drainage from once per month to once per week. For home use, they may also advise the person massage one to two body parts per day.

Brief, regular home treatment can provide a short, daily relaxation experience and may benefit the lymphatic system.

How can I drain my lymphatic system at home?

Simple lymphatic drainage techniques are suitable for home use, as described in this article.

How painful is lymphatic massage?

It should not be painful. The fingers will stroke the skin very lightly. However, if there is any pain or redness, a person should stop the massage and consult a specialist for guidance.


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Prepared by Viktorija Stučytė based on online sources