Vitaminai C, D, E

Vitamins C, D and E are the basis of good health

Every day, the human body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to help ensure the smooth functioning of the body. That’s why it’s so important to eat as many foods as possible, because every product has certain ingredients we need. However, for a variety of personal reasons, we can’t always afford to eat a variety of foods on a regular basis. Allergies, food intolerances or limited food choices at different times of the year contribute to this. This is why many people choose to take dietary supplements, thus ensuring the right amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Below are the key properties of vitamins C, D and E that contribute to the health and well-being of each of us.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for the smooth functioning of the body and protection against bacteria or viruses that cause colds, flu or even chronic diseases. The human body gets this vitamin from certain foods such as lemons, oranges, kiwis, strawberries or cranberries. Dietary supplements also help maintain the body's vitamin C balance.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin C is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men.

Below we present the main functions of vitamin C in the body.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the body's natural defenses against various diseases. Antioxidants are known for their ability to strengthen the body's immune system and protect against seasonal bacteria and viruses, and contribute to the body's constant protection, which reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

According to research, regular consumption of vitamin C increases the amount of antioxidants in the body by 30 percent.

Vitamin C helps control high blood pressure

Research shows that Vitamin C helps lower blood pressure (even in those who do not have high blood pressure). This is because vitamin C relaxes the blood vessels in the blood vessels, thus lowering the blood pressure in them.

So while vitamin C may not cure high blood pressure, it is a great preventative measure to prevent it. Well, for those who are taking medication for high blood pressure, vitamin C can be used as an adjunct.

Vitamin C protects against anemia

Researchers say vitamin C helps absorb iron from food. Iron contributes to vital body functions, including the distribution of oxygen from the lungs throughout the body.

100mg of vitamin C increases iron absorption by 67%.

Thus, vitamin C helps protect the body from anemia, which develops due to a lack of iron in the body.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is difficult to absorb from food. This is why this vitamin is also called a "sun vitamin" because our body produces it when it is exposed to direct sunlight.

This is why people living in the northern part of the earth (including Lithuanians) are advised to take vitamin D supplements - we simply see less sun than people in the south. As a result, the majority of the Lithuanian population suffers from vitamin D deficiency.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin D is different for each person, so we cannot provide recommended doses of this vitamin for men and women. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice about your recommended daily dose of vitamin D.

Below are the main functions of vitamin D in the body.

Vitamin D ensures good dental and bone health

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which support good tooth and bone growth and health. Also, by contributing to these parts of the body, vitamin D protects against diseases such as osteoporosis.

Vitamin D reduces depression

According to research, vitamin D has a direct effect on our mood. Thus, declining mood or energy levels during the winter may be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.

Also, vitamin D has a positive effect on the well-being of people with depression and helps control the symptoms of depression.

Vitamin D helps to lose weight

The researchers studied the effect of vitamin D and calcium on weight changes. The results of this study showed that people who exercised lost weight more quickly with vitamin D and calcium supplements than those who took placebo tablets. Participants in this study also found that vitamin D and calcium supplements reduced appetite.

Vitamin E

Our body can get vitamin E from food or dietary supplements. This vitamin can be stored in the body and used when the body needs it.

It is recommended that both men and women take 15mg of vitamin E per day.

The main function of vitamin E is to protect the body's cells from damage, viruses or bacteria.

Vitamin E is a well-known antioxidant. Thus, this vitamin contributes to the healthy functioning and structural protection of the body's cells. This is important for the body's immune system and for healing after various injuries.

The effects of vitamin E on cell structure and health also explain why this vitamin is an integral part of skin creams. It contributes to slowing down skin aging, helping to treat skin allergies or various injuries.

So, the body of each of us works smoothly when we consume enough different vitamins and minerals. You can improve your well-being by providing a wide diet or taking food supplements

and to prevent various serious disorders or even diseases of the body.

Be healthy!

Based on

Prepared by Aušrinė Vaičiūtė