In the online store look for the goods you like and put it in cart.

-> if you put all needed items, go to "My Cart" (on the right side)

-> please, press "Order"

-> Write your personal information and delivery address

-> pay for your items

Information about payment methods:

1. Bank transfer through

Fast and secure bank transfer.

2. Payment, when you log into e-banking-> bank transfer

Company: FD group

Account number:(IBAN) LT437044060007712667

Bank: AB SEB bankas

Please, write the Order No. in the box "Purpose of payment"

3. You also can pay with PayPal.

-> wait for your special items until it reach you :)

4. You can pay also with Mastercard or VISA cards. You will find this possibility in last stage of order.

in case You will have some more questions, please call us right now to +37052142268

Yours faithfully